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Energy Storage Technology Manager jobs in London

Critical team member responsible for supporting and/or leading technical aspects of energy storage project definition including engineering, construction, operation and maintenance planning, and management of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) supporting project development. This includes project conceptualisation, management of design engineering, development fatal flaw analysis, equipment and vendor selection analysis, vendor and EPC negotiation and management, construction management, and operations and maintenance planning and analysis. This position will collaborate with an interdisciplinary team involved in all stages of project development and commercialisation.

London's largest industry remains finance, it is the largest financial exporter in the world which makes a significant contribution to the UK's balance of payments. In the 2017 Global Financial Centres Index, London was ranked as having the most competitive financial centre in the world. London's economy has experienced strong growth over the past decade. The three biggest business segments currently driving London forward are information and communication, financial and insurance, and professional, scientific and technical services.