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Orion Community Bus Programme in the Highlands

Throughout 2023, Orion Group has been delighted to supply our Orion community buses to various charitable causes, sports teams, and non-profit groups across the Highlands. From youth football clubs needing transportation to matches, to community organisations providing field trips for children, our buses have been utilised extensively this year.

Some of the many amazing groups we've had the privilege to support through our community bus program include:

4th Inverness Girl Guides.

Boleskine Shinty Club 

Clachnacuddin FC

Fraser Park Bowling Club

Highland Bears Basketball teams

Highland Rugby Club

Inverness Lions Basketball Club

Northern Counties Ladies Bowling

Rokzkool Academy

Rollerbowl Bowling Club

Spokes for Folks

The Royal Marines Charity – Highland Branch

The University of the Highlands and Islands

In total, Orion's community buses have logged 25,000 miles this year, enabling access, education, and priceless experiences for so many throughout the region.

Providing these buses to deserving groups and giving back is part of Orion's commitment to the communities where we operate. We are proud that our buses have been so well-utilised this year and look forward to continuing to serve local organisations in the future.