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Drug Manufacturing Technician jobs in Aldermaston

​A Drug Manufacturing Technician, also known as a Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Technician, plays a crucial role in the production of pharmaceutical drugs. Their primary responsibility is to operate and maintain equipment used in the manufacturing process, ensuring that drugs are produced safely, efficiently, and in accordance with regulatory standards. Here are some specific tasks and responsibilities of a Drug Manufacturing Technician:

  1. Equipment Operation: They operate various types of manufacturing equipment, such as mixers, reactors, filtration systems, and packaging machines. They set up the equipment, monitor its operation, and adjust parameters as needed to maintain optimal production conditions.

  2. Batch Preparation: Drug Manufacturing Technicians follow specific instructions and procedures to measure and mix raw materials and active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) accurately. They ensure that the quantities and qualities of ingredients are in line with the formulation requirements.

  3. Quality Control: They conduct routine quality control tests and inspections to ensure that the drugs being manufactured meet the required quality standards and specifications. This involves performing measurements, recording data, and reporting any deviations or issues to supervisors.

  4. Documentation: Drug Manufacturing Technicians maintain accurate records of production activities, including batch records, equipment logs, and other relevant documentation. This documentation is essential for regulatory compliance and traceability.

  5. Cleaning and Maintenance: They clean and sanitize manufacturing equipment and production areas to prevent contamination and ensure a sterile manufacturing environment. They also perform routine maintenance and troubleshooting of equipment to keep it in optimal working condition.

  6. Safety and Compliance: Drug Manufacturing Technicians adhere to strict safety protocols and follow Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to maintain a safe work environment. They comply with regulatory requirements and guidelines, such as those set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or other relevant authorities.

  7. Collaboration: They work closely with other members of the manufacturing team, including supervisors, quality control personnel, and other technicians, to ensure smooth production operations and resolve any issues that may arise.

Drug Manufacturing Technicians are responsible for executing and monitoring the various stages of drug manufacturing, maintaining quality standards, and following regulatory guidelines to produce safe and effective pharmaceutical products.

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